Individual Therapy

Does any of this internal dialogue ring a bell?

“My situation isn’t really that bad; in fact, I could be making the whole thing up in my mind.”

“I’ve survived this far. I just need to pull up my boot straps and deal with this. I should be able to do this on my own.”

“I’d be embarrassed for people to know I can’t handle LIFE on my own. It seems so easy for others. I mean, look at Facebook . . . If I see one more post about how you married your best friend 20 years ago . . . for real?!?”

“How can I trust someone else to really get my life; I don’t even get my life!”

Let me suggest that if you have experienced any kind of prompting, nagging thoughts, either spiritual, intuitive, or even a loved one suggesting you could use therapy, this may be the right time.


CONSCIOUS THOUGHTS: “I don’t have time.” “I can’t afford it.” “Therapy is self-indulgent.”

SUBCONSCIOUS BELIEF: “I don’t deserve it.”


Let me offer you a reframe on these thoughts and beliefs: Engaging in individual therapy can have drastically positive benefits on the important people in your life, including the future generations!

One individual’s wellness has an energetic influence on all who are connected. If you have more internal peace, you become a more loving parent, friend, spouse, coworker, Michigan driver.

And if you are a parent to young or older children, it is NEVER too late to have a healing and positive influence on your children, which likely will impact their children/future children.

Can you think of a more loving thing to do?

(How’s that for a reframe? It is true!)

If you are thinking about becoming the best version of you possible . . .

If you know in your gut that life has more to offer . . .

If you are ready to try investing in yourself (even to benefit others) . . .

Contact me.

How Individual Therapy can help…

Individual therapy will help you make sense of your experiences, your feelings, your reactions, and your behaviors.

Often experiences from your past influence current day issues. Gaining insight can unlock the pathways to different choices and experiences for your life.

My hope is that during or after the very first session, you will have a new hope for your future and/or situation; you will feel clarity and validation about what you are dealing with; you will feel supported in a safe and healthy way.

We offer a highly personalized approach tailored to an individual’s needs to help attain the outcome you desire.

Call me at (248) 421-0963 or complete the contact form below. Let’s start moving you to a more hopeful future.

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